JICA Project

International Support through Tele-medicine
With the help of the knowledge gained from our tele-ICU support service business in Japan, we are expanding our activities to other countries in need of medical technical assistance and education/training for medical professionals.
Provided technical assistance to 14 hospitals in 12 countries as part of a JICA-commissioned project for developing countries
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) entrusted the project to us. Japanese intensive care doctors and nurses provided training in intensive care and technical advice through tele-ICU services to doctors and nurses engaged in intensive care in 14 hospitals in 12 developing countries. This is the first time that a single project has achieved such results across a large number of countries* (Duration: Survey began in December 2020 and ended in September 2022).
* It is the first time that a single company in a project related to promotion of tele-ICU has this scope with this number of countries. In-house research (as of December 1, 2022).
Project 1.“Data Collection Survey on the Use of ICU Telemedicine in Pandemic Situations”
※Pilot activities (provision of remote ICU trials, creation of training programs, and cooperation in improving the level of local staff) conducted as part of the project.
Project Purpose:
The main objective of this project was to collect and analyze information to formulate the prerequisites for technical cooperation in order to consider how to provide urgently needed intensive care in the event of an infectious disease epidemic, like COVID-19.
-Collection and analysis of basic information on the status of treatment for moderately and severely ill patients and the current status and issues of remote intensive care in each country.
-To study how JICA should support remote ICU services based on the trials and lessons learned through the pilot activities.
Basic training in intensive care was conducted remotely in the pilot countries with Japanese intensive care doctors and Intensive Care Nurses /Specialist Nurses as the main lecturers. A training plan was developed in line with the current situation and needs of each target facility with the aim of enabling healthcare professionals in the target countries to use the tele-ICU services and provide effective treatment to patients based on the advice received.
Target Countries: 15 countries
Asia: Vietnam, Myanmar
Oceania: Tonga, Palau, Fiji
Africa: Mozambique, Kenya, Senegal
Latin America: El Salvador, Guatemala, Bolivia, Mexico
Four hospitals in three countries were targeted for the pilot
Bangladesh: East West Medical College & Hospital
Indonesia: University Hospital of Indonesia, West Java; Hasanuddin University Hospital, South Sulawesi
The Philippines: National San Lazaro Hospital, Manila
Project 2. “Project for Capacity Development of ICU Using Telemedicine under COVID-19 Pandemic”
Contents of Cooperation:
-Telemedicine communication systems and temporary ICU medical facilities (container or prefabricated) and equipment for intensive care and medical equipment.
-Consulting services/software components: training and technical advice on tele-intensive care by Japanese intensivists and nurses.
Targeted countries: 14 hospitals in 12 countries
❶ Senegal: Dalal Jamm Hospital, Dakar
❷ Kenya: Coast General Teaching & Referral Hospital, Mombasa District*
(*Implemented under Phase 2 of the “African Health Systems Strengthening Partnership Project” )
❸ Mozambique: Maputo Central Hospital, Maputo
❹ Bangladesh: Ship International Hospital, Dhaka
❺ Indonesia: Indonesia University Hospital, West Java
❻ Indonesia: Hasanuddin University Hospital, South Sulawesi
❼ Palau: Belau National Hospital, Koror
❽ Fiji: Colonial War Memorial Hospital, Rewa
❾ Tonga: Vaiola Hospital, Nuku’alofa
❿ Mexico: Dr. Agustín O’Horan General Hospital, Yucatan
⓫ Mexico: Temporary Care Center of Valladolid General Hospital, Yucatan
⓬ Guatemala: San Vicente Hospital, Guatemala City
⓭ El Salvador: El Salvador Hospital, San Salvador
⓮ Bolivia: Japanese Hospital, Santa Cruz

Our activities were featured in NHK WORLD-JAPAN 『Sharing the Future』
The report was covered in three countries (Japan, Indonesia, and Mexico). It does not only explain why the cooperating doctors and nurses from Japan participated in the project and in the regular sessions, but also touches on the medical issues that developing countries experience and demonstrates the value of telemedicine and tele-ICU services.
November 30, 2022 broadcast session Program home page: https://www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ondemand/video/2098009/
※Can be viewed on-demand until November 30, 2023.